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Training and experience.

I've lost count of all the webinars and conferences I've participated in, and all the books on writing I've read and highlighted with a yellow marker, over the past 20 years as a freelance editor.  When you work with me, you reap the rewards of my obsession with life-long learning!​


I started out as a copy editor of journal articles and scholarly books, and then found my niche as a developmental and line editor of memoir and narrative nonfiction. I've worked with at least 50 authors who have published with trade publishers like HarperCollins and Jessica Kingsley, university presses, and small presses, as well as authors who have chosen the path of self-publishing.



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Degrees and certificates.


  • Certificate in Publishing, Metropolitan Toronto University. Courses completed: trade publishing; educational publishing; grammar; copy editing for books, journals, and reports; substantive and stylistic editing; production; scholarly publishing     

  • Developmental Editing: Book-Length Fiction and Creative Nonfiction. With Barbara Sjoholm, Author-Editor Clinic, Seattle

  • MA, English, Queen’s University

  • Bachelor of Education, Queen’s University

  • BA, English and History, Trinity College, University of Toronto

Sampler of recent training (since 2019).

  • Memoir Bootcamp. Three-week intensive with Allison K Williams, hosted by Jane Friedman

  • Research Agents and Publishers Like a Pro. Webinar with Jane Friedman

  • What’s Wrong with History and Biography? Webinar with Charlotte Gray, Ken Whyte (publisher, Sutherland House), and Dan Wells (publisher, Biblioasis). Hosted by the Creative Nonfiction Collective

  • Land a Book Deal with a Better Table of Contents. Webinar with Jennie Nash

  • Preparing to Publish: Making the Right Choice. Webinar, Writers’ Union of Canada

  • Editing Memoir. Webinar, Editorial Freelancers Association

  • Line Editing: Fiction and Creative Nonfiction. Two 4-week courses, with Christina Frey, Editorial Freelancers Association

  • Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference, Portland, Oregon

  • The Art of Feedback. Webinar with Christina Frey, Editorial Freelancers Association

  • Sentences with Style. Webinar with Frances Peck, Editors Canada

Courses I teach.


From 2014 to 2020, I taught WRIT265: Editing in Academic and Professional Contexts, at Queen's University. I developed this course with Maureen Garvie.

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